
Support engineering to serve operations safety.

FO, ceo
Charliefox Aviation

Expertise and roles we are a leaders in.

  1. Aviation Operations

    Our team of crews, handling agents, Airport staffs, and Operations experts will guide you to understand the needs of daily operations

  2. Teaching and Instructing

    Our instructors have a real passion for teaching

  3. Training

    Joining flexibility, efficiency and high standards.

  4. System Engineering

    We are optimising new technologies to serve current aviation challenges.

  1. Aviation consulting

    Because the aviation industry will serve your needs.

  2. The Club

    A network made of operationals, support and scientifics to develop our industry.

  3. Mentorship

    Our operational flight crew will drive you all the way from 0 to the right seat.

And as Nelson Mandela once said, "It always seems impossible until it is done.


Aren't we all dreamers? It is only because a man dreamed of flying that we travel by plane. Behind all inventions, we see people's dreams.

Ajith Kumar